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Red Ink

Note: You have to use the Edge browser for the one-click-install with below Word, Excel and Outlook buttons to work (otherwise use the download installation package and follow the instructions in the manual; we are working on adding additional installation options).

Red Ink Edge Extension Red Ink Chrome Extension

Red Ink Word Helper (.dotm) (optional; go to Settings to install or manually download and copy to %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Word\Startup)

Red Ink Excel Helper (.xlam) (optional; go to Settings to install or manually download and copy to %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART)

Vosk speech-to-text models (for using the Transcriptor; download and copy the model directories into your speech model directory as configured in 'redink.ini')

Whisper speech-to-text models (for using the Transcriptor; download and copy the gglm-model files into your speech model directory as configured in 'redink.ini') runtime library files (.zip) (only when using Whisper for transcription; download and copy 'runtimes' directory in your speech model directory as configured in 'redink.ini')

Local Installation Package (for alternative installation, download, unzip, copy the above files as stated above and run the three .vsto-installers from a [preferrably permanent] local or server directory)

User and Technical Manual (English, Quick Reference)

Benutzeranleitung (Manual in German, Kurzanleitung)

Prompt Library (Sample; download an copy, for instance, to %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Word\; go to Settings to configure the path)

Prompt Library (Transcriptor) (Sample; download an copy, for instance, to the same directory as your speech models; go to Settings to configure the path)

Red Ink individual demo videos (as used for the product demo video)

The beta test phase has started. You may download and use Red Ink as per the license.